Trust Cellars

This is from Steve Brooks’ website:

“To change, to shift. To make an about-face. To move from a lifestyle rooted in technology and speed to an existence focusing on soil and sun. TAKING A GIANT STEP REQUIRES TRUST. The trust of your family and friends…and the trust in yourself. Come visit us in Walla Walla. We’ll share a glass of wine and our story.”

It’s unassuming.  It’s fitting that Steve, who although armed with a razor wit, is soft spoken about his wines.  Sometimes it’s almost like he apologizes for them.   Perhaps he thinks that they’re different than a lot of his neighbors’ wines.  We know that’s why we like them so much.

Although heartbroken because his favorite Mexican Restaurant, “OK, Mr. Pancho” is no longer open, he trudges on…making wines with a crazy mineral focus, freshness, and sense of place.


Let’s do business together!